Easter is, without a doubt, the greatest of all Christian Holy Days. It marks the celebration of the resurrection of Christ and is the most important day in the Christian church calendar worldwide. In this episode, Dr. Rutland deftly guides us from theology to the meaning of the resurrection in the everyday life of the believer and, in fact, in the death of the believer.
Impacting lives through effective leadership. New York Times best-selling author, Dr. Mark Rutland shares from his decades of experience in leadership ranging from a mega church pastor to the president of two different universities. Gain practical, powerful, and inspirational knowledge through his perspective to navigate life as a 21st century leader. As Dr. Rutland always says, “This podcast is about life, leadership, relationships and faith.”
Ep. 44 – Organic vs. Engineered
In this fascinating and insightful episode, Dr. Rutland explores the differences between two types of growth; organic and engineered. Each has pluses and minuses. Some of the differences may surprise you.
Ep. 43 – Servant Leadership
Servant leadership is a hot topic among those who teach leadership. Even so, there remain many misconceptions about what it is and definitely about what it is NOT. In this episode, Dr. Rutland delves into the topic of servant leadership with down to earth practicality and good humor. If you are a leader of any kind, parent, pastor, or CEO, don’t miss this one.
Ep. 42 – Life, Leadership and Lashon Hara
In this challenging but intriguing episode, Dr. Rutland speaks to the issue of “evil speaking” or, as it is said in Hebrew, Lashon Hara. From gossip to making a false accusation, reviled speaking damages lives, reputations, marriages, and careers, yet many never stop to consider the wounding power of Lashon Hara.
Ep. 41 – Courage to Be Healed: Part 9
One question Biblical counselors are frequently asked is, if inner healing is really Biblical, why didn’t Jesus do it. Dr. Rutland’s surprising answer is, He did. Using the Biblical story of the restoration of a failed New Testament saint, Rutland paints a powerful picture of the grace and process of inner healing.
Ep. 40 – Courage to Be Healed: Part 8
Of all the toxins, fear has the most destructive effect of the dimension of a life. Fear shrinks life; fear that a past pain will be repeated or an imagined pain will happen. Unable to commit, easily triggered and totally risk averse the fearful watch their lives shrivel up. Everything begins to be about avoiding pain. Rutland explores this terrible reality and the healing therapy of the Presence of Love.
Ep. 39 – Courage to Be Healed: Part 7
In this, the next episode of COURAGE TO BE HEALED, Dr. Rutland speaks to the dark toxin of condemnation. What may surprise you most is the “throne” from which condemnation emanates. Once that is clarified comes the surprising Biblical therapy that topples that throne and dries up the toxic flow of condemnation.
Ep. 38 – Courage to Be Healed: Part 6
Ever wonder why some people seem to repeat behavior patterns over and over again which cause others to reject them? We have all seen that tragic pattern destroy relationships. In this episode Dr. Rutland speaks to the emotional wound of rejection and the devastation it can cause in relationships. He documents the emotional struggle of a young woman trapped in the performance-for-acceptance syndrome. From her painful story reveals the key to healing rejection.
Ep. 37 – Courage to Be Healed: Part 5
In his newest book, COURAGE TO BE HEALED, Dr. Rutland explains that courage, not faith, is the most important variable in emotional healing. In this episode Rutland explains why it takes great courage to forgive and why forgiveness has great power to heal the wounded soul. Using the powerful story of a man filled with hate for his ex-wife and her lawyer, Rutland speaks to the incredible power of forgiveness. He explains that forgiving the unforgivable, impossible in the natural realm, is not only possible with God’s grace, it is absolutely necessary for any lasting emotional healing.
Ep. 36 – Courage to Be Healed: Part 4
Dr. Rutland continues this series based on his latest book, COURAGE TO BE HEALED. Today he speaks to the emotionally devastating wound of shame, which he says is perhaps the most devastating of the five principle toxins, especially when it is caused by sexual trauma. In this powerful episode Rutland deals with the deadly “throne” of deception and how truth tears it down.
Ep. 35 – Courage to Be Healed: Part 3
Murderer’s row. That’s what sports writers dubbed the 1927 NY Yankees. In this episode Dr. Rutland introduces the Murderers Row of emotion wreckage, the five most destructive sources of toxic emotional woundedness. It is impossible to move forward into the wholeness that God has for us while our life is a mountain of toxic waste. One variable above all others determines whether we move forward in emotional wholeness. That variable is COURAGE. In this episode and in the whole series, Rutland makes the case that it takes COURAGE TO BE HEALED.
Ep. 34 – Courage to Be Healed: Part 2
The human mechanism is incredibly complex; it’s parts and systems are mysteriously interconnected. Drop a monkey wrench, especially sexual or violent trauma, down in the gears at an early age and an unbalanced emotional wreck can result. In this episode Dr. Rutland makes the case that the altered life may begin at an altar but it does not end there. There are dedicated believers who need emotional healing.