COURAGE TO BE HEALED is Dr. Mark Rutland’s newest book (his 19th). With this episode, he begins a nine-week series on the search for emotional healing. The premise of his book, and of this series, is that faith is not always the primary variable in the healing of damaged emotions. Rutland says, in inner healing, the variable is more likely to be courage.
Impacting lives through effective leadership. New York Times best-selling author, Dr. Mark Rutland shares from his decades of experience in leadership ranging from a mega church pastor to the president of two different universities. Gain practical, powerful, and inspirational knowledge through his perspective to navigate life as a 21st century leader. As Dr. Rutland always says, “This podcast is about life, leadership, relationships and faith.”
Ep. 32 – When The Angels Go Away
The post-Christmas let down. That moment when all the celebrating and parties and get-togethers are over. Dr. Rutland explains why the Virgin Mary just might have understood exactly what you’re feeling. It must have been a moment of splendor when the Angel visited Mary. But what about when he left?
Ep. 31 – The Miracle Of The Incarnation
Buckle your seatbelt! Brace yourself for the moment when Dr. Rutland says, “There was nothing miraculous about the birth of Jesus.” Then stay tuned for the rest of his message. Don’t miss this unique approach to the Christmas story.
Ep. 30 – In The Fullness Of Time
In this episode Dr. Rutland speaks to the issue of human vs Divine timing. Using the Nativity as the basis of the teaching, Rutland speaks a message of hope and faith. God’s activity in human history is not limited to our very human understanding of time.
Ep. 29 – David The Great Part 10
This, the final episode in the David series, deals with his death. King David died at the age of 70. Right up to the very last moment of his life, David was surrounded by complications, emotional crisis, and court intrigue beyond what most leaders will ever face. How interesting that such a complicated life should end in such complexity. There are important life lessons in David’s life. Likewise, in his death, there are lessons no less important on ending well.
Ep. 28 – David The Great Part 9
The most terrible of all emotional wounds is probably betrayal. This episode deals with David’s darkest moment, a deadly betrayal from inside his own family. Sooner or later, every leader, indeed most people, will experience betrayal at some level. The question is, how do we deal with it victoriously?
Ep. 27 – David The Great Part 8
All leaders are mixed vessels. So was King David. In this episode, leaders can see what went in to David’s best and most destructive decisions. How can the same leader win two successive victories over vastly superior forces then lose to a solitary woman?
Ep. 26 – David The Great Part 7
At one time or another, every leader feels overwhelmed by the pressure of decisions that can make the difference between success and failure. From King David, leaders can learn decision making in the face of terrible crisis and great opportunity.
Ep. 25 – David The Great Part 6
Everyone’s life is, to some extent, a roller coaster. King David’s life careened up, down and sideways from crisis to victory, to the mountain top, to the valley of death and back again. This episode deals with tactical leadership in the midst and strategy on the other side.
Ep. 24 – David The Great Part 5
You probably never thought of King David as a startup or turn around leader, but that is exactly what he was, on multiple occasions. This episode presents keys to successfully negotiating the transitions between strategy and tactics, which is which and when to use one or the other.
Special Ep. 01 – Also The Lord
The Leader’s Notebook airs once a week every Tuesday. With a historic watershed election only days away and the United States in such turmoil, I present this special episode based on Isaiah chapter 6, in the hope that it may encourage you.
Ep. 23 – David The Great Part 4
Ever had a great idea that blew up in your face? There is a possibility, it was, in fact, a good idea or even a great idea, but the timing was terrible. Among the many fascinating leadership lessons to be learned from King David, not the least of what this episode deals with is timing. Essential insights on timing for modern leaders.